Research at UAF - Demonstration of Farmer Friendly Equipments Developed By Department of Poultry Science
Principal Investigator:
Institution/Organization: Department of Poultry Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
Postal Address: Department of Poultry Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
Telephone 9200161-70 EXT 3211

Co-Principal Investigator:
Institution/Organization: Department of Poultry Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
Postal Address: Department of Poultry Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
Telephone 03336506207
Project Duration (months): 36
Total Cost: Rs. Millions 0.687

Progress Reports


Department of poultry science has developed an automatic feed lifting system which can control all type of feeding frequencies with out the impact of light. Feed lifting system was further utilized in Ph.D. research and it was observed that intermittent feeding showed a significant response in order to enhance the immunological response of the birds and to maintain the thermoregulation process in the birds. These physiological responses further led towards better production performance of the birds. Similarly department has also developed gas brooding system. Gas brooding was also tested against electric and coal brooding systems during a postgraduate research and it was observed that gas brooding system is more economical due to less mortality and more feed efficiency of the chicks raised under this system. The present project is based on practical demonstration of handling and operation of these technologies to the poultry farmers and students.

Problem statement

Poultry production is one of the best available systems for the production of high biological value animal protein for human consumption and thus has emerged as a good substitute of beef and mutton, especially in underdeveloped countries. Therefore, poultry farming particularly, is playing a pivotal role in bridging the gap between supply and requirement of animal protein and it also stabilizing the prices of theses commodities. No doubt poultry industry has developed tremendously in the last four decades but still it is far behind the advanced countries while fulfilling the nutritional requirements of the Nation. There does, exist a huge potential for the growth of domestic poultry in order to meet the domestic requirements and also to generate exportable surpluses. Where as, poultry farmers are still using the conventional methods of farming while advanced countries are using latest techniques and technologies in this sector. At present students and farmers don’t know how to use these techniques and technologies in a precise way. On the other hand some farmers are importing the modern equipments which are not applicable in our climatic conditions and are also difficult to handle. There for it can be envisaged that there is a dire need to motivate the farmers toward the adaptation of modern equipments through development of locally designed technologies.


i)  Introduction of locally developed techniques and technologies to the farmers for precise and profitable    poultry farming.
ii)  Demonstration of poultry mechanization and automation to the stake holders for enhancing productivity with more efficiency.


During first phase of the project capital items including electronic temperature controller, auto-ignition kit, heating chamber with blower and gas cylinder were purchased. The equipments purchased for the fabrication of gas brooding system were assembled together as shown in the pictures.


In this system auto ingnation kit was connected with burner, blower fan and electric gas valves. Gas cylinder was connected to the gas receiving point of the electric valves. Whereas, electronic temperature controller was connected with auto ignition Kit

Functions of various components of gas brooding systems are given below

Temperature controller

To monitor the room temperature and provision of electric supply to the gas brooding system.

Auto-ignition kit

Control the gas valves, blower fan, and temperature of heating chamber
Check the operation of burner and prevention of gas flow with out flame.

Heating chamber with blower

Generation and dissipation of heat to the brooding room

Gas cylinder

Gas supply to the heating chamber

After the completion of gas brooding system the literature regarding the importance and function of gas brooding system was published. Practical demonstration of operations and handling of gas brooding system was conducted to the students at Poultry Research Center. Brooding technology was also demonstrated to the farmers at the occasion of kissan mala held.  Brooding facilities were also provided to the postgraduate students of department of poultry science. The students also raised their broiler birds using gas brooding system. Printed material was provided to the visitors. Techonology was also transferred to the farmers by supplying information to the farmers during exhibitions conducted on kissan mala.

During the second phase after the completion of gas brooding systems, the equipments for the fabrication of intermittent feeding system were purchased. These equipments were, electronic positioner with timer, actuator motor, wench system, and feeders. These equipments were assembled together according to pictures given below
Electronic positioner with timer→ Actuator motor → Wench system → Feeder


Functions of various components of intermittent feeding systems are given below

Electronic positioner with timer

Provision of electricity to actuator motor according to provided schedule

Actuator motor

Control the position of feeders through wench operation

Wench system

Mechanical attachment of feeders to the positiones along with mechanical movement of feeders.


Provision of feed to the birds

After the completion of intermittent feeding systems the literature regarding the importance and function of intermittent feeding systems was published. Practical demonstration of operations and handling of intermittent feeding system was conducted to the students at Poultry Research Center. Feeding technology was also demonstrated to the farmers at the occasion of kissan mala. Feeding facilities through intermittent feeding systems were also provided to the postgraduate students of department of poultry science. The students raised their broiler birds using intermittent feeding systems. Technology was also transferred to the farmers by supplying information to the farmers during exhibitions conducted on kissan mala. Printed material was provided to the visitors.

Result and Discussion: Gas brooding system and intermittent feeding systems developed by the department are also tested on local farms and found that gas brooding system is an economical system compared to wood brooding system whereas intermittent feeding system improve the feed conversion ratio in broilers .
There is dire a need to properly train the farmers regarding the efficient operation and safety features of both the systems.
Electronic Gas Brooding System: Gas brooding system is an economical and accurate system to provide heat during brooding phase. This system is the combination of gas heating and electronic control of temperature in the poultry houses. This system will help the farmers to reduce the early chick mortality due to fluctuation of temperature and due to respiratory disorders caused by conventional brooding system (wood or coal brooding).
Intermittent Feeding System:  This system provides different feeding frequencies to the birds. Feeding management is an important factor to be considered because poor feeding practices in poultry farming adversely affect the feeding efficiency in the poultry birds and profitability in the poultry farming. Cost of poultry feed is increasing day by day which adversely affect the profitability in poultry farming. Implementation of intermittent feeding system will not only improve the profitability in poultry farming but it will also help in controlling the wastage of poultry feed. Therefore, both the systems are recommended for efficient farming.